- Eligibility
This scheme provides financial assistance for up to two eligible* postgraduate student or junior postdoctoral workers (within the first three years of their first postdoctoral position), or equivalent, to attend and present at a relevant international conference. The initial grant is set at 500GBP per awardee, subject to revision according to the Society’s current financial circumstances.
*You must be a current member and have been a member of the Society for at least 1 year or have attended the most recent annual BMVBS conference as a member.
- Value of individual grant
The value of the grant is up to £500
- Method of application
Applicants must complete (a) a Terence Ryan Conference/Summer School Grant online application form (see below), (b) enclose a letter of support from his/her supervisor stating the reasons for the visit and its perceived value to the student (the supervisor need not be a member of the BMVBS) and (c) a copy of any abstract(s) submitted to the Conference. These should be uploaded through the application form below. Any questions should be directed to Honorary Secretary (andrew.benest@nottingham.ac.uk) .
- Obligations of the successful applicant
Following the conference, a brief report (no more than one page) and a copy of the abstract(s) accepted should be sent to the Secretary for the Society’s archive.
How to apply:
(a) Application form (see below)
(b) Letter of support from supervisor
(c) Copy of abstract(s) being submitted
When? 31st January or 30 June. Ad hoc applications before the early registration deadline may be entertained.